Linear Shaft Motor

Achieves sub micron resolutions

  • Linear Shaft Motor
    Linear Shaft Motor

Targeting the ultra high-precision market that require sub micron motion profiles, Nippon Pulse’s Linear Shaft Motor is more energy efficient and can achieve motion profiles similar linear motors are unable to achieve. The motor’s cylindrical design provides two inherent benefits. First, the motor is able to use 100 % of magnetic flux and to use that magnetic flux at maximum efficiency. All available magnetic flux cuts the coils at a 90º angle. Also because of its cylindrical design, and despite being of completely ironless construction, the motor provides stiffness up to 100-times greater than all other similar motors available. In part because it has no cogging issues and does not produce Eddy currents, the motor also generates less heat than traditional linear motors. As a result, it does not dump heat into the work point and thus is able to achieve precise and accurate motion profiles. The lower heat production also comes because the motor does not have inherent airflow restrictions. In tests conducted by the University of Virginia, the motor is proven to consume 51.8 percent less energy than a comparable u-shaped motor while performing the same motion, carrying the same load, and producing the same linear force.