New CiA Board of Directors

General assembly 2015

  • March 5, 2015
  • The CiA board of directors: Holger Zeltwanger, Uwe Koppe, and Harm-Peter Krause (from left to right)
    The CiA board of directors: Holger Zeltwanger, Uwe Koppe, and Harm-Peter Krause (from left to right)

The CAN in Automation (CiA) nonprofit association has elected Harm-Peter Krause (esd) as business director. Uwe Koppe (MicroControl) and Holger Zeltwanger have been confirmed as technical director respectively managing director. The business director is also the chairperson of the Business Committee (BC). Elected BC-members are Emtas, Janz Tec, Kaba, Micro Control, and Spansion.

The Technical Committee (TC) is presided by the technical director and comprises the elected members Emtas, esd, Infineon, and Ixxat/HMS. The international users' and manufacturers' group has 582 members. They develop jointly CAN-based higher-layer protocols and profiles. This includes in particular the CANopen specifications.

The CiA association represents its members in international standardization bodies and provides training and publication services. In addition, the organization performs CANopen conformance tests and CANopen interoperability tests. In this year, one of the main activities is the standardization of CAN FD - the improved CAN protocol. It allows bit-rates higher than 1 Mbit/s and payloads up to 64 byte per message.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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