313-000: 25mm f/1.4 Non-Browning Fixed Focus Lens

The 313-000 Lens has been specifically design for 2/3-inch image format radiation resistant CID cameras

  • 313-000: 25mm f/1.4 Non-Browning Fixed Focus Lens
    313-000: 25mm f/1.4 Non-Browning Fixed Focus Lens

The 313-000 Lens has been specifically design for 2/3-inch image format radiation resistant CID cameras. This lens has an aperture of f/1.4 to enable as much light as possible to be gathered and transmitted to the sensor


  • 2/3″ CID format
  • Vertical resolution of 400 TV lines


  • Nuclear power stations
  • Nuclear reprocessing plants
  • Nuclear waste storage plants

For more information click here.