Skytron Energy Chosen for 86.2 MWp PV Plant in South Africa

The plant will provide approximately 30,000 homes with clean energy

  • April 4, 2016
  • Skytron Energy Chosen for 86.2 MWp PV Plant in South Africa
    Skytron Energy Chosen for 86.2 MWp PV Plant in South Africa

Skytron Energy has been selected to fit out one of the largest solar power plants on the African continent with its monitoring, control and supervision technology. The Mulilo Sonnedix Prieska Photovoltaic (PV) plant will be completed in July 2016, with a capacity of 86.2 megawatts (MWp). The plant is located just outside Prieska, in the high-lying Northern Cape region and will provide approximately 30,000 homes with clean energy.

Skytron Energy understands and fulfills the special grid standards in South Africa, which are required by the public electricity company ESKOM. While its power plant controller skycontrol ensures high-precision measurement of all relevant physical quantities at the grid connection point, their continuous feedback to the controller input and the required feed-in tuning of active and reactive power, PVGuard visualizes and analyzes all relevant data in real time.

"With more than 2,500 hours of sunlight reaching South Africa a year solar power is an ideal source of energy in the region," says Lino Garcia, the Director Business Development of skytron energy. "Considering the negative impact of load-shedding and rising energy prices, on the South African economy over the past decades, we are very happy to finally see changes and an increased awareness of renewable energies."