High sensitivity to capture very small forces
Comes with Intel Xeon E3-1500 v6 for HPEC
An AI for machine tool maintenance
Equipped with Dual Intel MovidiusTM MyriadTM X VPU for AI Deep Learning
Mouser will offer Toradex's Colibri and Apalis computer-on-modules
Quick response times and excellent process reliability
Delivered during coronavirus pandemic
Easily integrated with digital and ratiometric interfaces
Offer programmability and cloud connection
Very flexible and intuitive
Can withstand up to 130°C
Connected to Systemiz application
Engineered for motor test benches
Designed for inspecting the measurement accuracy of pyrometers
Provides automatic hot and cold spot detection
The central element of this partnership relies on the V-Lock cord retention system
Maximum measuring rate of 250 Hz
Speaks the language of IO-Link
Provide a traceable workflow of scanned patient swab tubes
Deployed to support disease prevention and inspection
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