With water cooled housing
Engineered for industrial and automotive applications
Suitable for agriculture and life stock barns
Suitable for innovative IIoT applications
Light-weight and compact
Deliver position feedback for monitoring flight parameters
Eliminate PWM audible noise
Provides continuous monitoring system
Last year Aichi Tokei Denki launched its new AS-W ultrasonic flowmeter for fuel gas worldwide, which immediately convinced many users for its flexibility and the ability to solve common problems caused by ordinary gas meters
Can operate from -40°C to +70°C without derating
Sensata now offers a cost-efficient pressure sensor family
Making accessible the 4G and 5G technologies
View Production Data in Microsoft Excel
For robots and motors
For improved range of microwave transceivers
Outstanding durability & credibility. All stainless steel, side-mounted types
An astonishingly high level of efficiency 95%typ
Has a reach of 850mm with torque sensors in all seven axes
Provide Real Time Motor Control
For electricity consumption and cost reduction
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