LMI Technologies Acquires FocalSpec

The 3D inline scanning and inspection company will add to its portfolio FocalSpec’s expertise in optical metrology

  • November 21, 2019
  • LCI 1220 confocal sensor
    LCI 1220 confocal sensor
  • Off-axis, line confocal design uses a white light source, and reflection of “orange” and “blue” wavelength from the high and low points of an object (top and bottom respectively) are mapped to specific pixels on a camera
    Off-axis, line confocal design uses a white light source, and reflection of “orange” and “blue” wavelength from the high and low points of an object (top and bottom respectively) are mapped to specific pixels on a camera

LMI Technologies, part of the TKH Group, has completed the acquisition of FocalSpec, a Finland-based optical metrology company that designs and manufactures a patented line of Confocal Imaging (LCI) products. Thanks to the acquisition, LMI’s portfolio of laser profilers and structured light snapshots will expand to include FocalSpec’s patented confocal technologies, which will enable the solution of challenging applications across different markets. 

Complementarity and innovativeness 

In fact, FocalSpec’s sensors employ a unique optical method based on lateral chromatic confocal scanning, mounted off-axis: this allow to capture 3D topography, 2D intensity and 3D tomography at sampling speeds up to 27M data points per second. Moreover, the measurement repeatability is of 70nm. The innovative method simplifies scanning for opaque, transparent and curve materials, such as hybrid glass assemblies, commonly found in cell phone manufacturing. 
Terry Arden, CEO at LMI Technologies, stated, “By combining [FocalSpec’s] game changing approach with our proven Gocator inspection software and volumes manufacturing know-how, customers will be able to solve challenging inline metrology applications at a price/performance and easy of use never seen in the market today.”