Siemens Acquires Brasilian Specialist in Plant Management

Focus on Brazil’s oil and gas, energy, chemical and paper industries

  • February 23, 2012
  • Siemens Acquires Brasilian Specialist in Plant Management
    Siemens Acquires Brasilian Specialist in Plant Management

With its takeover of innotec do Brasil based in São Paulo, Brazil, the Siemens IndustryAutomation Division has extended its leading global position in the field of industrialprocess engineering software, and at the same time bolstered its presence in one of theworld's key growth markets. For more than ten years, Innotec do Brasil has been anexclusive supplier of Comos software solutions for integrated plant management, focusingon Brazil's oil and gas, energy, chemical and paper industries. The newly acquiredcompany will be assigned to the Industrial Automation Systems Business Unit. With thepurchase price a closely guarded secret, the deal is set to go ahead subject to approval bythe relevant authorities.
Innotec do Brasil was founded in 2001 and employs a highly qualified approximately 50-strongteam with pooled expertise in every aspect of integrated industrial plant management. Thecompany has been a highly regarded partner and recognized supplier of Comos software solutionsand services for plant engineers and planners operating in the Brazilian process industry for manyyears. Its customer base includes such prestigious names as Petrobras, one of the world's biggestenergy corporations.
"By acquiring innotec do Brasil we are bolstering the position of Siemens in Brazil and extendingour market presence as an industrial partner in the energy sector. We will be gaining a team ofspecialists which already enjoys an excellent reputation as a sound, dependable partner andpreferred supplier of Comos software solutions among many of Latin America's key industrialplayers", says Eckard Eberle, CEO of the Siemens Industrial Automation Systems Business Unit.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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