Storage Solutions for Green Electricity

Efficient networking of electricity, heat, mobility, grids and storage

  • March 19, 2015
  • Storage Solutions for Green Electricity
    Storage Solutions for Green Electricity

"We are convinced that the future lies with the production of hydrogen", states Bernd Bartels from Beba H2 Speichersysteme GmbH in Hemmingstedt, Schleswig-Holstein. The north German company installs PEM electrolyzers with an output of two megawatt. "In view of the fact that renewables account for a growing proportion of our energy supply, it is becoming increasingly important that green electricity is transformed into hydrogen which will be used either in industry or in mobility", says Bartels, who regards the hydrogen sector as an important element in the transformation of the energy industry.

The German SME is one of over 150 German and foreign exhibitors showcasing innovative products and services within the display category Hydrogen + Fuel Cells + Batteries in Hall 27 at this year's HANNOVER MESSE. This is not only Europe's largest platform for the entire area of energy storage & hydrogen fuel - it also enjoys a good location next to MobiliTec, the flagship show for electrical mobility.

The line-up in Hall 27 is a "Who's who?" of the industry, including AIR Liquide, the Linde Group, the French company Saft S.A., Forsee Power, Nilar Battery from Sweden, the Danish company DTU, Greenlight Innovation from Canada and the German company ads-tec GmbH from Baden-Württemberg. In other words, the event attracts major global and national players through to SMEs such as ad-tec which offer 100 kW/hr storage modules for commercial and domestic use.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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