Wanted: Innovative Energy Chains Applications

Entry phase for the vector competition 2014 is open

  • January 16, 2014
  • Harald Nehring, authorised representative for e-chain systems at igus
    Harald Nehring, authorised representative for e-chain systems at igus

Companies can register for the vector award until 15 February 2014. This recognises applications that use energy supply systems. Whether huge or tiny energy chains - anyone can apply online and present their designs to the judging panel with brief descriptions, photos and videos. The winners will receive prize money of up to 5,000 euros, with an official award ceremony held at the Hanover Trade Fair in April 2014.

Every two years, creative applications for energy supply solutions are recognised with the vector award. The latest official entry phase began at the Motek 2013. An expert judging panel comprising of representatives from the world of science and specialist associations evaluates the applications and selects the winners from among all the entrants. "The vector award is an extremely important part of our development work," stated Harald Nehring, authorised representative for e-chain systems at igus GmbH. "We use it to support innovations and promote new potential uses for energy supply systems." Anyone who dares to put energy chain systems to new uses is encouraged to enter the competition regardless of their sector.

All further information, including the competition terms and conditions and details of previous winners, can be found at www.vector-award.com

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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