Roboteq introduces the HBL2350, an intelligent controller capable of simultaneously driving two brushless DC motor up to 75Amps each at up to 50V. Because they have no brushes, brushless motors operate more quietly and have a longer life than equivalent Brushed motors. The device is a dual channel, high current brushless motor controller, allowing users to implement 2-wheel drive small electric vehicles, Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs), balancing scooters, or any other high power brushless motor control application. The controller accepts commands from either analog pedal/joystick, standard R/C radio for simple remote controlled robot applications, USB or RS232 interface. Using the serial port, the controller can be used to design fully or semi-autonomous robots by connecting it to single board computers, wireless modems or WiFi adapters. It incorporates a Basic Language Interpreter capable of executing over 50,000 Basic instructions per second. This feature can be used to write powerful scripts for adding custom functions, or for developing automated systems without the need for an external PLC or microcomputer. The controller's two channels can be operated independently or combined to set the direction and rotation of a vehicle by coordinating the motors on each side (tank-like steering). The motors may be operated in open or closed loop speed or position modes with a 1 kHz update rate. The device can use the motor's hall sensors or optical encoders to measure speed and travelled distance with high accuracy. The controller features intelligent current sensing that will automatically limit each of the power outputs to 75A in all load conditions. It also includes protection against overheat, stall, and short circuits.
Brushless DC Motor Controller
Targets small electric vehicles and robotics
- by Roboteq, Inc.
- September 14, 2012