For remote and hazardous environments where simple optical design offers significant benefits - Resolve Optics has developed a new optically compensated zoom lens design that vastly reduces the moving parts to just a single push pull movement.
Resolve Optics Ltd. is also a leading developer of custom zoom lenses optimised for machine vision applications including parts recognition, precise component placement, automated alignment and placement and automated inspection of manufactured components
The Model 207 is the smallest motorised 3x zoom lens with focus tracking commercially available. This high quality f/2.8 lens produces high resolution images suitable for broadcast and machine vision applications.
Working with specialist UV camera manufacturer – Resolve Optics developed a novel UV zoom lens that enabled remote viewing of a nuclear fuel assembly through 10-metres of water.
Resolve Optics is a leading designer and supplier of fixed focus and zoom lenses that operate in the infrared (IR) region (1-14 microns).
The Model 357 radiation resistant zoom lens is available in a motorised format for use with radiation tolerant cameras.
Detect issues early, cut downtime, and save costs.
Optimised for a ¼-inch format camera sensor - the non browning 10x zoom lens can withstand radiation exposure to a million+ Gy, enabling operation in nuclear plant hot zones to ensure more reliable processes, greater automation & less human intervention.
For high-precision and high-speed measurement of complex waveforms.
Improved measurement capabilities and enhanced software integration for accelerated development processes of complex electronic products
Visit us at SPS from November 12 to 14, 2024 in Nuremberg (Hall 7A, Booth 440)
Infrared Camera with New Microscope Optics MO2X
Studying neutrinos is very difficult as they typically pass through most normal matter unimpeded and undetected. Specialist detectors have to be built to hunt for them. The latest one is called JUNO, located 750m below ground in Jiangmen, China. The project is made possible by 17 different countries with 730 scientists working in 74 Universities and national laboratories. To develop the core part of the detector, the liquid scintillator, ultrafast digitizer cards by Spectrum Instrumentation are used.
High-power output of up to 3kVA in a 1U chassis
Fully synchronous 16-channel data acquisition
For the highest requirements on measurement precision
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) is an additive manufacturing process that has become increasingly important in the 3D printing of metals in recent years. High build rates, wire as an inexpensive and easily available starting material and a highly controllable process are the main advantages. To optimize 3D printing, the Berlin-based 3D printing specialist GEFERTEC records the temperatures in the workpiece using infrared measurement technology from Optris.
Compact, reliable camera for non-contact temperature measurement up to 900 °C
Innovative fluid property detection for precise media detection and comprehensive monitoring of fluid properties
3D printed material should part of a lunar mission for performance testing and confirmation of earth-bound test results
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