Softing announces the upcoming release of the newest member of its echo product family. echograph combines data logging and data visualization functionality into a single unit, supporting a wide range of interfaces to controller systems from a multitude of manufacturers. Through these interfaces the device periodically polls process and manufacturing data and visualizes the data on any network enabled desktop PC, laptop, tablet PC or smart phone via a HMI which is based on native web technology, with no need for an OPC Server or a complex SCADA system. To increase data security, process data can be stored on an SD card for subsequent analysis. In case of critical changes or faults in system operation, echograph sends alarm messages directly via its integrated mail client and allows rapid troubleshooting. The new device thus offers plant operators a quick overview of their process data on the spot.
Data Logging & Visualization
Wide range of controller interfaces
- by Softing Industrial Automation GmbH
- October 25, 2013