Kistler Instruments has launched a range of small, versatile, high performance differential pressure sensor for use in harsh test environments where temperature extremes, high vibration and shock levels are present. The design of the Type 4264A sensor is based upon proven Kistler piezoresistive sensing technology. A silicon sensing element is mounted within a high integrity seal assembly that is fully isolated from the pressure media by a welded 316L stainless steel or Hastelloy diaphragm. Integrated surface mount electronics condition the output from the silicon sensing element and provide temperature compensation. Additional electronic circuit boards can be added to configure the electrical output for a wide choice of voltage and mA outputs. As a result, the sensor can be factory configured to provide an electrical output to suit a variety of data acquisition systems. Additionally, non-interactive zero and span calibration adjustments can be provided. The silicon sensing element exhibits high performance for stability and repeatability, extremely important parameters for test applications. The pressure sensing assembly features a unique, patented sealing method that enables the sensor to withstand multiple cycles without fatigue, a quality that is especially useful in cyclic applications. This design also enables flexibility in choice of pressure connections without the use of adaptors or 'O' rings. The new sensors are available in both uni-directional and bi-directional types with pressure ranges from 0.1 to 10 bar differential, all with 300% proof pressure. ATEX versions are available for use in hazardous areas. Accuracy of 0.05% full scale (FS) and stability of 0.1% of FS per year combined with a wide temperature compensated range of -40 to +125oC make the new sensors ideal for R&D and product testing applications in automotive, aerospace and manufacturing industries especially engine and power train oil and coolant filter pressure monitoring and leak testing.
Differential Pressure Sensors
For use in harsh test environments
- by Kistler Instrumente AG
- August 2, 2012