The U-264KSPA linear actuator from PI Physik Instrumente is a self-locking drive that has been optimized for being produced in large quantities from engineering thermoplastics. It features a 200 mm travel range and a minimum incremental motion of 6 µm. A linear encoder with 0.6 µm resolution assures reliable position control and repeatable accuracy. With the drive technology of PILine ultrasonic piezo motors, velocities of up to 150 mm/s and a maximum holding force of 6 N can be achieved. As piezomotors are self-locking at rest, no heat is generated and mechanical components such as brakes or gearhead can be dispensed with. As a result, the actuator ensures high positional stability. The stiff design, direct coupling and fast response times of the piezo ceramics allow for a highly dynamic start/stop behavior.
Linear Actuator
Ensures high positional stability
- by Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co.KG
- October 22, 2013