For data transmission in industrial networks up to 100 Megabits, CAT 5, M12 connectors with D-coding from Binder can be used. The currently available versions have limited suitability for applications with high vibration, because screws could eventually loosen and the contacts would not meet the requirements any more. Connectors with crimp contacts offer greater safety. The turned contacts, which can be ordered as accessories, are crimped outside the connector with a standard hand crimper or by machine to the wires. Then the contacts are connected into the corresponding chamber of the contact carrier. A spring clicks into the plastic part and locks the contact to prevent it from sliding out. If a contact is incorrectly connected, an extraction tool can be used to unlock the contact. The connector is assembled and the shield is connected similar to the iris type spring version.
M12 D-Coded Cable Connectors
With crimp contacts
- by Franz Binder GmbH & Co. elektrische Bauelemente KG
- July 24, 2013