Relpol wins IEN Europe Award 2009

Wolfram von Fritsch, Deutsche Messe Managing Board Chairman: "Drive to innovate is as powerful as ever"

  • March 1, 2008
  • Relpol's Marketing Department Manager, Bartlomiej Szydlowski, received the IEN Europe Award 2009 from editor Jürgen Wirtz during this year’s Hannover Messe.
    Relpol's Marketing Department Manager, Bartlomiej Szydlowski, received the IEN Europe Award 2009 from editor Jürgen Wirtz during this year’s Hannover Messe.

This year’s winner of the IEN Europe’s Best Product Award, traditionally handed over during Hannover Messe, is the Polish company Relpol. The company was awarded for its 9-function slim time relay PIR6WT-1Z, that is applied in low-voltage installations. Bartlomiej Szydlowski, Manager of Repol’s Marketing Department, was happy that the product drew so much attention by IEN Europe’s readers.

The Product Award of TR - Technische Revue, the German- language publication by Thomas Industrial Media, was received by igus for the product invis power, a contactless power transmission system, mainly used in dirty or moist environments, clean rooms or in applications with long and fast traverse paths.

Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister at Thomas Stand
Being the international media partner to Hannover Messe, the world’s most important industry show, Thomas Industrial Media was visited by Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Christian Wulff, who caught up on the wide-ranging magazine portfolio on the first day of the show.

Fighting Spirit
“Rather than dwelling on the crisis and agonizing over its causes, this show was about finding the most promising ways forward”, Dr. Wolfram von Fritsch, Board Chairman of Deutsche Messe AG, outlined during the show’s final press conference. von Fritsch described the attitude among the exhibitors as a “fighting spirit”. Around 210,000 visitors came to Hannover for the event, one in four of them from abroad. 70 % of the show’s foreign visitors were from other European nations, while approximately 19 % came from Asia and over 7 % from the Americas. 6,150 exhibitors from 61 countries presented about 4,000 new products at the 13 parallel running flagship tradeshows.

The overall positive mood was also outlined by Dietmar Harting, Chairmann of Hannover Messe Exhibitor Advisory Committtee, who referred to a customary exhibitor survey, carried out among 264 companies. “29 % of respondents regard their current situation as “positive”, and 3 % even as “very positive.” A high proportion of exhibitors - over 40 % - rate their current situation as neither positive nor negative”, said Harting.

Partner Country 2010 is Italy
Partner Country at next year’s Hannover Messe, that will take place from April 19 to 23, 2010, will be Italy. Already this year, Italy, with its 527 exhibiting companies, was the best represented country among the non-German exhibitors. In his speech, Antonio Puri Purini, Italy’s ambassador in Berlin, emphasized the strong ties between his country and Germany on all levels. Being a strong supporter of the enhanced cooperation between Italy and Hannover Messe, Purini said that his country will take next year’s chance of presenting the importance of the Italian industry, especially in the fields of factory automation and machine tools.