Morsettitalia introduces a new range of universal terminal blocks as a support for a complete range of actuators. Born from the employment of the most modern technologies EURO FUSE (PAT) combine the advantages of fast pluggable connecting systems with easiness and reliability of screw or spring connections. In particular these terminal blocks are apt to realize in an economical and fast way the various configurations of protection, disconnection and interruption. The range is made up just of two basic terminal blocks: pluggable feed trough 2,5 and 4 sqmm - screw, screwless and hybrid (screw + screwless) versions - all available also with LED; 7 various families of actuators such as: - car fuses (also in the resettable version) and glass fuses for the protection functions - disconnecting plugs or knifes for the disconnection functions - miniaturized thermal circuit breaker for the interruption function. Thanks to its characteristic EURO FUSE are good for various applications, starting from the world of automation and automotive and for its flexibility it represents a new and innovative solution for the connecting systems.
Terminal Blocks
protection, disconnection & interruption
- by Morsettitalia Spa
- April 8, 2010