Available as monochrome and color variants with or without an IR cut filter, Sony’s ICX 274 2 megapixel industrial cameras ship in compact and robust aluminum casing. They have a USB 2.0 (without extra power supply) or GigE (with or without auto-iris control) and can output 15 frames per second at a resolution of up 1600x1200 pixels. The cameras are optionally available with a trigger input and digital I/Os, which make them ideally suited to machine vision, automation, traffic surveillance, quality control, medicine, logistic and security applications. The software support of the cameras allows both programmers and end-users immediately feel at home. Getting started with the cameras takes only a matter of minutes and integrating them into existing applications takes only a few lines of code. Drivers for LabView, HALCON, DirectX, Twain and WDM are included. All camera parameters and settings can be set via the shipped software. Furthermore, a number of automatic modes are available, which guarantee optimal image quality in varying light conditions. The cameras ship with drivers for Windows XP, Vista and 7, the SDK IC Imaging Control (.NET, ActiveX and C++ class library) and IC Capture. The latter is a powerful end-user application, which allows all camera parameters to be set, live video to be displayed, singular images and image sequences to be captured.
Industrial Cameras
Up to 1600x1200 pixel resolution
- by The Imaging Source Europe GmbH
- September 6, 2011