The Sirius 3RK3 modular safety system has been expanded by Siemens Industry Automation Division with the introduction of a central module with AS-Interface (AS-i). The new 3RK3 Advance, thus, can be used as an AS-i safety monitor, expanding standard AS-i networks for safety-related applications. It is suitable for standard and safety-related signals on the AS-i bus, and has 12 independent AS-i enabling circuits. Compared to the Basic version, the module offers expanded functionality and quantity structure. Nine expansion modules, for instance, can be connected, instead of seven, and expanded cyclic data exchange is possible over Profibus. The functionality of the MSS ES engineering software has also been expanded. Parameter settings can now be downloaded and online diagnostic of the unit can be carried out over Profibus. The new macro function allows function units to be combines in a library. The macros can be exported and imported, thusly reused in other projects.
Modular Safety System
Has 12 independent AS-i enabling circuits
- by Siemens AG
- October 14, 2011