High-volume Adoption of Cloud-based Infrastructure Stokes Growth of its Testing Market

Recent study by Frost & Sullivan

  • June 20, 2014
  • High-volume Adoption of Cloud-based Infrastructure Stokes Growth of its Testing Market
    High-volume Adoption of Cloud-based Infrastructure Stokes Growth of its Testing Market

With the large-scale deployment of proprietary data on the cloud, testing solution companies are experiencing significant opportunities in cloud infrastructure testing and cloud based application performance monitoring (APM). As end users will require assurance of the security of proprietary information outsourced to third-party service providers, they are likely to seek the service of participants that specialise in cloud infrastructure testing.
New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Cloud Infrastructure Testing and Cloud Based Application Performance Monitoring Market, finds that the market earned revenues of $397.6 million in 2013 and estimates this to reach $1,739.6 million in 2020.

Enterprises can meet security needs by deploying automated testing systems, which offer continuous surveillance of important information to help detect, prevent and recover from threats. Security testing should also be implemented at the application level. Due to the dynamic nature of the cloud, traditional compliance is simply not enough; enterprises are now seeking specialized cloud monitoring applications.

Enterprises have also realised the need for measuring and monitoring the quality of experience of applications deployed on the cloud through cloud based APM solutions. However, most end users need to be educated about the various APM tools and solutions in the market, as they affect businesses differently despite their obvious similarities.

"Furthermore, testing companies are often challenged by the lack of standards and interoperability between different cloud computing vendors during migration," said Frost & Sullivan Measurement & Instrumentation Research Analyst Rohan Joy Thomas. "To address this issue, applications such as open flow and open stack are being developed. They will help establish the common orchestration layer required for interoperability between different proprietary systems, preventing vendor lock-in."

Cloud service providers are also attempting to resolve the interoperability issue by developing consolidated virtualized infrastructure. Cloud infrastructure testing and cloud based APM vendors can make the most of this opportunity by providing solutions and testing methodologies that are more standard based.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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