Molex Becomes a CC-Link Partner Association Board Member

Collaboration as a central factor for success

  • December 8, 2014
  • Damien Leterrier, director of Industrial Communication for Molex and appointed board member of the CLPA
    Damien Leterrier, director of Industrial Communication for Molex and appointed board member of the CLPA

Molex has been appointed as a board member of the CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA), the worldwide body that develops and promotes the open automation networks CC-Link and CC-Link IE. Damien Leterrier, director of Industrial Communication for Molex and appointed board member of the CLPA, says that partnership with the CLPA continues the Molex policy of productive collaboration: "Collaboration is essential for Molex as a high technology company that develops products based on customer demand. We serve a fast moving market and reacting quickly to customer demand is important. This is hard to do when working in isolation, so to stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology we have to anticipate the questions and challenges our customers will present. To do this Molex has to be involved in the development of important technologies such as communication protocols, especially market leading ones such as CC-Link."

He further explains that true collaboration is a two-way process, with knowledge and experiences being shared back and forth. "Because CC-Link is open source, this is something Molex can play a part in and contribute towards the general good, as well as helping us to achieve our own commercial objectives."

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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