NSK has Updated its Solutions App

To feature information that helps engineers understand the added value that can be achieved through the adoption of NSK bearings and associated services

  • November 26, 2015
  • NSK has Updated its Solutions App
    NSK has Updated its Solutions App

NSK's AIP - Added Value Programme, leads the industry in helping customers solve problems and savemoney as part of a straightforward step-by-step process that is made even easier to understand thanks tothe updated Solutions App.

The intuitive App guides users through the journey of how AIP will work for their specific application - inessence, a standardised process for bespoke solutions. By tapping on each stage of a five-step graphicalrotating dial, users can discover for themselves the benefits of AIP.

  • Step 1 on the dial is 'survey', where NSK engineers survey the plant and collect relevant information foranalysis, thus determining the most critical bearing applications in need of action. 
  • Step 2 sees NSK expertspropose a solution tailored to the application, including recommendations for optimising machine design, aswell as opportunities for staff training.
  • Step 3 NSK defines an implementation plan and undertakes aproduct trial to ensure the objectives can be achieved. Moving forward, the fourth step witnesses a documentdrawn up that quantifies the actual cost savings both in terms of machine operations and maintenance, whilethe final step provides an opportunity to repeat the success in other departments within the company.

Users of the updated NSK Solutions App can also explore AIP services in some detail. Here, it is possible toclick on four steel balls that represent 'surveys', 'selection', 'training' and 'inspection', the four pillars thatunderpin AIP services. Using a handy navigation bar, App users can drill down level by level, exploring the benefits of each serviceand reading success stories of relevant companies that have already enjoyed cost advantages andcompetitive gain. Options are then available to send the information, download it, or request contact fromNSK.

The update builds on the NSK Solutions App that was first released in 2014. This helps users identify theroot causes of problems and provides a guide to real-world applications where savings have been made.App users can choose between sectors that range from food and beverage to steel production, machinetools and quarrying and mining. It is then possible to investigate solutions based around specific applicationsor select the prevailing conditions that relate to the user's own production site.

Once a specific application has been selected, the App provides relevant detailed success stories, all featuring NSK products. Each application describes the issue that has been solved and provides details ofthe product solution, along with a figure for the financial savings achieved. The savings take into account acombination of factors such as replacement costs, maintenance costs, consumables and downtime.

Ultimately, the updated App provides an additional window into NSK's world class AIP programme,demonstrating in transparent and elementary terms its practical application.

Further Apps from NSK are set to follow as the company continues to meet growing market demand forinformation on the move. After all, engineers are mobile people and engineering is part of an increasinglymobile world. Apps from NSK are part of the company's unerring commitment to solve problems and savemoney for customers.

The latest NSK Solutions App, which is available in seven different European languages, can be downloadfree of charge from the iTunes (Apple) and Google Play (Android) stores.