Sweden Brings the Culture of Collaboration to Hannover Messe

Innovation-Collaboration-Digitalization: We couldn’t define with better words the main drivers of Swedish economy, which is dynamic and highly responsive to changes. This makes Sweden the perfect partner country for this edition of Hannover Messe

  • March 21, 2019
  • Sweden Brings the Culture of Collaboration to Hannover Messe
    Sweden Brings the Culture of Collaboration to Hannover Messe
  • Sweden Brings the Culture of Collaboration to Hannover Messe
    Sweden Brings the Culture of Collaboration to Hannover Messe

With a population of more than 10 million people on an area that covers 450 thousand km2, the Kingdom of Sweden is the largest country in Northern Europe, and boasts a young population, where one out of every four people is younger than 20 years old. Fresh minds of highly educated disruptive thinkers who are the main actors of the country’s booming economy. It’s not surprising that Swedish market appears very dynamics and that many famous brands such as Ericsson, H&M, Ikea and Spotify were founded in Sweden. 

‘’Swedish companies have a very strong footprint and edge in Smart Industry based on innovation, digitalization sustainability and hence Sweden is a very good match for Hannover Fair. We look forward to creating new partnerships with German and global customers, partners, academia and governments.’’ said Anna Liberg, Trade Commissioner to Germany at Business Sweden. 

Leading industrial innovators

After the Second World War, Sweden became one of the world’s leading industrial nations in key sectors such as the Automotive, Aircraft & Aerospace, the Electrical and Electronics Industry and the Wood and Paper Industry, and today is consistently driving the process of Digital Transformation, thanks to important investments in education, if we count that 6,5% of the annual GDP of the country goes to education and that only 7% of the population does not use the Internet. 

Sweden is therefore the perfect match for Hannover Messe. ‘’It’s true, Sweden is top-ranked for innovation power and digitalization leadership globally, but we tried to go beyond this evidence and offer something unique to German and global partners. That’s how the concept of Sweden Co-lab was created.” added Ms. Liberg. 

Sweden’s partnership with Hannover Messe goes by the concept of Co-lab, which fosters collaboration among innovative companies. Something that Sweden sees as crucial to boost Industry 4.0. ‘’Sweden has a unique culture of collaboration based on low level of hierarchy, strong safety network and a long tradition of openness for international relations. The Collaboration power has been key to transform Sweden into one of the world leaders in innovation, digitalization and sustainability.’’ declared Ms. Liberg. 

For Business Sweden, collaboration is functional to achieve Industry 4.0 if it is implemented in the dimension of a global collaboration, where large, medium and start-up companies from different industries (e.g. Automation and Connectivity) are encouraged to come together. A triple helix collaboration that involves industry, academia and government is also pivotal. 

Sweden Co-lab Pavillion

Given that smart industry will take hold more and more in the future, especially in areas such as energy efficiency, automation and digitalization, we all need a sustainable development. ‘’Existing boundaries can be lifted by a new way of Collaboration, and that’s why we offer the Sweden Co-lab model. In the Swedish Co-lab pavilion, we will show examples of how global partnerships can create a fossil free smart industry. Sweden Co-lab partner pavilion will serve as ‘Innovation-lab’ where all visitors can set the base for their organizations’ next journey towards Innovation.’’ claimed Anna Liberg.

Sweden will also bring to Hannover Messe a business delegation with over 100 organizations from Industry, Start-ups and Academia, led by the Swedish Prime Minister. Prince Carl Philip will be the expected guest of the show and he will also visit the Swedish pavilion.

Sara Ibrahim

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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