Educational Institutions Offering Certified FOUNDATION Fieldbus Training

offer fieldbus training courses

  • May 1, 2009
  • Educational Institutions Offering Certified FOUNDATION Fieldbus Training
    Educational Institutions Offering Certified FOUNDATION Fieldbus Training

The Fieldbus Foundation announced that STC Brielle and the Fieldbus Center at Lee College are the first educational institutions worldwide to offer fieldbus training courses certified under its FOUNDATION Certified Training Program (FCTP). This program establishes uniform standards for fieldbus educational curriculum around the globe, and defines acceptable levels of learning for students of the technology. The FCTP is intended to raise the visibility and prestige of institutions offering certified FOUNDATION fieldbus training to a new and exclusive level. Educational facilities successfully completing a multi-stage certification process can issue certificates showing the Fieldbus Foundation accredits their courses. They also gain recognition from the foundation on its website at

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