WEG Expands Production Capacity in Mexico and China

Investments of £213 million over the next five years

  • October 8, 2013
  • The expansion will include the construction of a complete cast iron foundry in Mexico.
    The expansion will include the construction of a complete cast iron foundry in Mexico.

WEG, a leading manufacturer of drive technology, automation equipment, power generation/ distribution solutions and electric motors, has announced investments of £213 million over the next five years to expand motor production in Mexico and China. The investments will enable WEG to continue to grow and meet the demands from customers worldwide.

The plans for expansion and new production facilities are part of WEG's continuing commitment to investment, growth, and providing customers with advanced technologies, helping them to improve operation efficiencies and reduce energy consumption.

"These investments are fundamental for WEG's growth in the future," says Mr. Siegfried Kreutzfeld, WEG's Motors Managing Director. "With these investments we will be able to continue growing and offer products with cutting-edge technology, customised to meet demands of our customers in each of the markets in which we operate. It also strengthens our position in two of largest global markets of industrial electrical machines, North America and China."

In Mexico, investments will expand local production capacity, making it similar to WEG's largest industrial plant in Jaraguá do Sul (SC), Brazil. The project includes the construction of an iron foundry that will supply all the needs for machined cast components for all industrial electric motors frame sizes manufactured in Mexico. The planned investments are £130 million over the next five years.

In China, investments of £83 million are planned until 2020 for the construction of a new industrial motor manufacturing plant in Rugao, a technological and industrial development zone 40 miles away from Nantong and 110 miles from Shanghai. The investments are in addition to the existing developments at WEG's Nantong operation.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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