Fieldbus Foundation releases new test kits

for use by plant automation equipment suppliers

  • September 1, 2009
  • Fieldbus Foundation releases new test kits
    Fieldbus Foundation releases new test kits

The Fieldbus Foundation announced the release of its latest FOUNDATION fi eldbus conformance and interoperability test kits for use by plant automation equipment suppliers. The updated test kits include the H1 Interoperability Test Kit (H1-ITK) 5.2.0 and High Speed Ethernet Conformance Test Kit (HSE-CTK) 2.0.1. The H1-ITK verifi es the functionality of an H1 (31.25 kbit/s) device and its conformity with the FOUNDATION fi eldbus Function Block and Transducer Block specifi cations. The HSE-CTK is a complete package that allows end-users to ensure a manufacturer’s device communication “stack” conforms to HSE registration testing and registration guidelines.

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