Appropriate for most different influences, dynamic parameters, cycle numbers and temperatures, Ethernet cables from igus are available with different shield materials such as PUR, TPE and PCE. CFLG.2LB optical fiber cable, for example, comes with a TPE outer jacket, especially developed for up to 400m cable lengths and bending radii of 5d. Also available, the drylin E construction kit of electrically and lubrication free spindle and tooth belt axes, ZLW-1660, is suitable for adjustment applications with axial loads up to 500N. The company also offers a new NEMA 34 stepper motor, chain compliant and oil-resistant motor connecting cables as well as lightweight plastic end and reference switches. Freely available 26 gratis E-engineering tools allows the right selection of Ethernet cables or linear systems. Cables and plugs can easily be configured, sanity-checked and ordered ready-made by mouse-click with the plug-cable configurator QuickPin 2.0. Users can generate an ePLAN electric P8 macro without any problems from the selected configuration.
Industrial Ethernet Cables
Guarantee high data quality in applications on the move
- by igus GmbH
- March 9, 2012