The PROFINET-IO fieldbus coupler is one of the SPEEDWAY products from Wago that has undergone technical "overhauling": It now supports functions for Conformance Class B and enables the application of the LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) and SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) protocols. The company now offers the option of programming (CoDeSys 3), parameterization (FDT/DTM) and firmware updates via ETHERNET/TCP for the (programmable) ETHERNET fieldbus coupler. This means that both a local USB port on the coupler and entire ETHERNET topology of a system can now be utilized for these services. PROFIBUS now offers handling capabilities, such as change of tools. This creates greater system flexibility by permitting variable SPEEDWAY station sizes to be implemented without extensive engineering. Beyond updating technology, the supplier is also expanding the SPEEDWAY product portfolio. This includes a parameterizable, serial interface module that is suitable for simultaneous connection of up to two RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 terminal devices and up to four additional sensors or actuators. A new I/O enclosure class will also be introduced that enables 1:1 connection of up to eight M12 sensors or actuators (8DI, 8DO 0.5A, 8DIO 0.5A). Another recent innovation: Eight interference-free versions of various SPEEDWAY modules with digital outputs (indicated by the order number suffix "/0000-0800"), which are suited for use in safety circuits.
PROFINET-IO Fieldbus Coupler
Supports functions for Conformance Class B
- by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
- January 30, 2012