PVC Liquid Level Sensors

Help avoid corrode and wear over time

  • February 24, 2021
  • PVC Liquid Level Sensors
    PVC Liquid Level Sensors
  • PVC Liquid Level Sensors
    PVC Liquid Level Sensors
  • PVC Liquid Level Sensors
    PVC Liquid Level Sensors
  • PVC Liquid Level Sensors
    PVC Liquid Level Sensors

Hizmar, the first and only PVC level sensor manufacturer brand in Turkey, provides trouble-free level measurement and control for every type of tanks and stores such as sewage, black water, chemical tanks and more. Plastic liquid level sensors should be used in level measurement systems in areas such as waste water tanks in caravans, waste water/sewage water tanks in marine vessels (such as yacht and boats), chemical liquid tanks in production industry, treatment plant and pharmaceutical industry.

Hizmar's level sensors are distributed in accordance with the length and connection type the user need and are guaranteed for 2 years

Ready-made stainless level sensors on the market used in these environments corrode and wear over time. Thus, the stainless level sensors deteriorate and damage your level measurement system. Hizmar Brand plastic special production level sensors help avoid such problems. For continuous measurement request, Hizmar's AN Model with ohm output are available and compatible with all brand analog indicators and digital indicators available in the world. Moreover, for PLC systems, Hizmar's MA Model - which has milliampere and voltage output - is compatible with PLC systems and is capable of continuous measurement. Last, regarding point measurement request, the HL models fit the use and provide contact or alarm output.

Graduated in political sciences and international relations in Paris, Anis joined the team in early 2019. Editor for IEN Europe and the new digital magazine AI IEN, he is a new tech enthusiast. Also passionate about sports, music, cultures and languages. 

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