Baumüller introduces additional options now available when selecting the b maXX 3300 small servo controller. Machine manufacturers can now select five different power ratings, from 0.75 to 5.0 kW, and thus precisely satisfy the requirements of their application.
The b maXX 3300 controller series is designed for the low-power range as a compact, efficient and dynamic solution in applications such as handling, robotics, textiles and packaging. The units feature integrated position control, can be easily parameterized using the company's hand-held terminal and provide field-oriented control for excellent rotational accuracy. By implementing an electronic safety relay it reduces maintenance costs, as regular replacement of the relay (required for mechanical relays in accordance with the new Machinery Directive) is unnecessary. Thanks to optional integrated security and a whole host of fieldbus options from EtherCAT, CANopen, POWERLINK and PROFIBUS up to VARAN, the b maXX 3300 meets all the requirements for modern drives.
Controller Series b maXX 3300
offers five different power rating
- by Baumüller Nürnberg GmbH
- July 22, 2014