The degree of automation can vary greatly within the same plant – from very high in the core processes to almost nonexistent in the peripherals. The effort required to wire all circulating containers, external silos, manual valves, safety – critical doors, and manhole covers to the control room would be too great. The WILSEN autonomous IoT wireless sensor node establishes a connection to isolated assets – without any cables – and closes such information gaps.
Soundpipes for directional object detection
LoRaWan sensor for integration into IIoT systems
Leak detection with robust fixed mounted solution for monitoring and advanced analytics
Intrinsically safe optical liquid level switches for direct contact with flammable or explosive liquids
Integration of temperature measurement technology based on resistance thermometers or thermocouples into a digitalised environment
For precise measurement in the most confined of spaces
Compact device series with enhanced functionalities and adaptability
Innovative fluid property detection for precise media detection and comprehensive monitoring of fluid properties
For measurements on ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic materials with high accuracy
Accelerometers for detection of load imbalances
The pressure towards sustainability is pushing the oil, gas and energy sectors to evolve innovative and diverse solutions in a move to create an energy efficient future. Major transformations within the oil and gas industry in the form of adopting sustainable practices, developing new revenue streams and pushing the boundaries of technology, are being trialled and delivering success. Expanding into...
Material dosing, multiple temperature zones, pressure control, valve, venting, and pumping control: these are some of the complex tasks required by Anric Technologies.
Gel-protected pressure sensor for relative pressure up to 2 bar
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have recently developed a temperature sensor that can harvest and store the energy from the magnetic field that exists in the open air around a wire. As a result, this could allow sensors to operate in the most remote settings and — importantly — without batteries.
Object detection for a range of up to 2 meters
Compact design with full graphic TFT display
How UniStream saves a cucumber grower 1,000,000 kW annually - a 50% reduction
Condition monitoring sensor detects magnetic field changes on three axes and opens new application fields
For precise Temperature Measurement from -50 °C to 2200 °C
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