maintenance-free and corrosion resistant
appliance to resistance values substantially below 10 ohms
the DPM-C530A Series provides precise measurement of various power parameters
Encounter with Mr. Peter Oram, Renewables Sales Leader at GE Power Conversion
was named at Siemens Italy
the solar complex will save approximately 800,000 tons of CO2 per year
making ‘Efficiency First’ motto operational
to deploy renewable energy, energy efficiency and distributed generation systems in the Mediterranean region
How it affects you...
"Integrated Industry - Join the Network!", from 13 to 17 April
Brussels, 26-27 February 2015
Information and Energy: transfer, process, store, communicate, exchange
A project to maximize efficiency at bottling plants
Waste generated within urban areas and by industries represents an enormous reservoir of resources
Promoting an eco-conscious initiative for plant diagnostics and optimization at Omron plant in Kyoto, Japan
Plasterboard manufacturer achieves payback of investments in insulation in less than one year
New technological solutions and design strategies
addresses the development, implementation and field test of an autonomous grid control system in the Medium Voltage (MV) level
can make the user electrically self-sufficient and able to reduce energy costs by 30%-60 %
can be achieved by means of dispersed generation but this result needs a change in the stakeholders' frame of mind
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