Automatically perfect images with USB 3 uEye XC by IDS
Detecting the position of unsorted parts
Expandes support and optimized default runtime values
Available in three sizes with inner lengths of about 180, 250, and 300 mm
with GigE connection and integrated texture projection
Deliver full 5-megapixel output at up to 107 frames per second
In various models and mount variants
With ultra-high resolution and real-time data interface
Read even on reflective surfaces
Read 1D and 2D codes in to PCs, smartphones and tablets
More computing power & highly sensitive sensors
for standardised colour measurement
AIA certified
With Ecolab approval
6D location determination
How improving key factors in the coding process can increase productivity and reduce costs
With 2.2 and 4.2 MP CMOS sensors
Identify parts and determine positions
For short cycle times
Native support for USB3 vision cameras
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